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Free 24/7 Auto Accident & Injury Helpline

1-800-ASK-GARY is a free 24/7 auto accident helpline. ASK GARY is a qualifying provider of legal referrals and markets for Physicians Group, LLC.

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How to maximize your auto accident settlement

How to Maximize Your Auto Accident Settlement

Car accidents are draining enough without the occurrence of injuries and the stress of the personal injury claim process that often ensues as a result. But if you are injured by another driver, it’s essential to pursue the insurance and legal avenues appropriate for getting the compensation you deserve for the situation. If and when

Why Didnt Your Airbag Deploy During an Accident

Why Didn’t Your Airbag Deploy During an Accident?

Car accidents are some of the most stressful situations to navigate, and they can involve much more than just tedious insurance claims and other logistical headaches. Severe injuries can occur due to these accidents, and victims may need medical care for weeks or even years to come. To help reduce the severity of the impact

What does a personal injury lawyer do

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

A personal injury lawyer represents individuals who have suffered a personal injury because of accidents and medical malpractice. They also represent the families of wrongful death victims. What is an Injury Attorney? A personal injury lawyer is a member of the American Bar Association. They help those who have been injured receive the maximum compensation

Heres why hiring an auto accident lawyer might be a good idea

The Importance of Hiring an Auto Accident Lawyer: Why You Should Call ASK GARY

More than 5 million car accidents occur annually, according to National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates. Car accidents injure more than 2.2 million people and kill more than 38,000 each year, says the NHTSA. National Safety Council estimates are higher. NSC includes non-reported accidents and estimates that all accidents total more than 11 million annually.