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1-800-ASK-GARY is a free 24/7 auto accident helpline. ASK GARY is a qualifying provider of legal referrals and markets for Physicians Group, LLC.

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Slip and fall accidents

Navigating Slip and Fall Accidents in Tampa: A Guide for Victims

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident in Tampa, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed. Don’t worry; this guide will walk you through the process of understanding your rights, assessing your injuries, gathering evidence, and pursuing legal representation. With this guide, you’ll be informed and empowered to take the necessary steps to ensure you’re

Jacksonville taxi accident

Resolving Jacksonville Taxi Accident Injuries and Claims

If you’ve been injured in a Jacksonville taxi accident, you know how complicated the process of resolving your injuries and claims can be. You’ll need to understand the legal process, determine liability, and gather evidence for your claim. You’ll also need to negotiate a settlement and receive compensation for your injuries. With this guide, you’ll


Accidents at Intersections – Common Causes and Prevention

Intersection accidents are a serious issue for drivers. Many of these incidents can be prevented with the right knowledge and safety measures. In this article, you’ll learn about the different types of intersection accidents, their common causes, risk factors, and the impact they have. You’ll also find safety tips for avoiding intersection accidents and what

medical care after an accident 1

Why You Can’t Afford to Delay Medical Care After an Accident

You’ve been in an accident. You’re feeling a little shaken up, but otherwise okay. However, you should know that it’s important to seek medical attention right away! Delaying medical care can lead to serious consequences. Learn why you can’t afford to wait and find out about common injuries, benefits of seeking medical attention, what to

pedestrian vs. vehicle 1

Pedestrian Vs. Vehicle Accidents at Night – How to Avoid Them

Accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles at night can be devastating. You need to be aware of the risks these collisions entail and the steps you can take to prevent them. This article examines the dangers of pedestrian vs. vehicle accidents at night, driver awareness, pedestrian safety habits, vehicle lights and visibility, and more, to help you stay