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Free 24/7 Auto Accident & Injury Helpline

1-800-ASK-GARY is a free 24/7 auto accident helpline. ASK GARY is a qualifying provider of legal referrals and markets for Physicians Group, LLC.

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Back to School Driving Tips

Back-To-School Driving Tips

Back-to-School driving! The world is somewhat falling back into its norms, including in-person classes and a typical school day. However, after being stuck inside for so long, it’s important 1-800-ASK-GARY reminds you of the rules of the road so you can avoid any auto accidents. With school coming back, there are pedestrians everywhere and we

Three Reasons you Have Car Insurance

Three Reasons to have Car Insurance

Driving is a serious task, although we do it every day for multiple hours, it can extremely dangerous. We all understand that we have to have car insurance for our own safety and benefit. However, what are some of the actual reasons why we need car insurance? 1-800-ASK-Gary is here to provide you answers to

1-800-ASK-GARY Charitable Donation

1-800-ASK-GARY Helpline Donates Back to School Supplies

Recently, 1-800-ASK-GARY volunteer committee member Bex Hamblin helped our team help the local community by dropping off new school supplies at the Mothers Helping Mothers Back to School Bash in Sarasota. The school supplies included pens from our friends at Physicians Group, crayons, rulers, pencils, markers, note paper, and water bottles. This donation was made