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Car Accident

Free 24/7 Auto Accident & Injury Helpline

1-800-ASK-GARY is a free 24/7 auto accident helpline. ASK GARY is a qualifying provider of legal referrals and markets for Physicians Group, LLC.

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How A Car Accident Lawyer Will Help 1 800 ASK GARY

How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Winning a car accident case in court can feel like a never-ending fight. Coordination, strategy, and team effort are required to achieve the success you’re looking for. A thrown-together, unfocused, and lazy approach will eventually affect the case negatively and may harm you in the long run. The best auto accident lawyers always come with

Avoid Parking Lot Car Accidents

Avoid Parking Lot Car Accidents

We know to stay alert and keep our minds sharp when on the road. However, when driving through a parking lot, we may not feel the need to be as vigilant. The slower speeds and calm atmosphere causes us to let our guard down until we are almost in an accident. Tampa car accidents in

The Top five Most Common Causes of Tampa Car Accidents

The Top 5 Most Common Causes of Tampa Car Accidents

The term “car accidents” tends to float around, but these “accidents” often are avoidable if drivers pay attention to their surroundings. Below, we have composed a list of the top five most common causes of car accidents. Unfortunately, many of these causes will sound very familiar, as they are things we encounter daily on the

Tips For Crosswalks Tampa Drivers

Tips For Crosswalks – Tampa Drivers 

Tips For Crosswalks – Tampa Drivers  If you like to walk, bicycle, or drive around Tampa, take the time to follow these simple crosswalk safety guidelines from the auto accident and injury specialists at 1-800-ASK-GARY. Tampa Pedestrians: Always choose to cross the street at marked crosswalks. You can forfeit your legal rights as a pedestrian

Tampa car accident lawyer

Tampa Car Accident

Have you been in a Tampa car accident? The effects of a car crash can be destructive and harmful to you or another passenger. The focus should be your recovery, but sometimes the medical bills and insurance can get in the way of that. That’s why a Tampa car accident lawyer is what you may